Caleb Opper - Founder
I bought my first compound bow for $40 at garage sale at age 11. From that moment on, I was hooked. Hunting is much more than a harvest. It's about the comradery, shared experiences and shared memories we create for a lifetime of joy. The true meaning of hunting and definition of our passion is not easily explained in words, but resides in the connection you have with 500,000 fellow hunters you've never met.
Meet the team

Hunter Grischke -Bio
My Dad got me my first bow at the age of 5 and I have not looked back since. The anticipation, patience, execution of the perfect shot, responsibility, and reward of the hunt is what drives me every single year to get out into the woods and harvest a trophy animal. I hunt to provide for my friends, family and those who are in need. I'm hoping one day I can pass on my knowledge and skill to my children so they can experience what is known as the "hunt".

Ryan Gingery - Team Member
Hunting. We had family friends growing up that drew me and my brother into hunting. I’ve always hunted whitetail deer starting with gun then moving to bow as I got older. Bow hunting fuels my competitive spirit as I find it incredibly challenging, humbling, and rewarding. Most of all, I enjoy taking a few hours away from my day-to-day life to sit quietly in God’s creation.

Matthew Foote - Team Member
I am a first generation hunter in my family. A love for the outdoors and pursuit of game for the table developed as a young boy. Whether it was with a sling shot, a bow, or my first gun, the hunt held challenge, patience, adrenaline, and food on the table that continues to this day.

Daniel Bostrom- Team Member
To me, hunting has never been about just going out and shooting something for enjoyment. I have a certain respect for the entire process. Among other things, a hunter with this kind of respect learns to be fully proficient with his weapon develops a deep knowledge and connection to the environment he hunts in, and learns skills and builds character traits that will impact all areas of his life. The thing that sets bowhunting specifically even father apart for me is the amount of time, preparation, and mental clarity required to be confident enough to draw back my string, set my anchor point, spot my target and release smoothly knowing that I did everything I could to prepare for that moment.

Reed Robinson - Team Member
Reeds outdoor career started in the northern lakes of Minnesota chasing walleye and muskie all summer with his dad. Shortly thereafter his family moved to the southern half of Michigans lower peninsula where his passion for hunting became established during time spent outdoors with his grandpa Reeder. With a large population of whitetail deer and turkey sprawling across the many acres of farmland, Reed picked up compound bow at the age of 14 and found a mentor to show him the ways of the woods. His very first hunt with tags in his pocket resulted in an arrow dropping just below a buck. Though disappointed in the miss, he was instantly addicted to the rush of letting an arrow fly. Later that season he killed his first deer in late doe season and tasted the provision Michigan’s woods had to offer. His first buck tagged was a result of an early season youth hunt with a muzzleloader passed down from his Grandpa Reeder. Over the years he has spent countless hours all across the state chasing whitetails through the woods.
He has a passion for maintaining the traditional style of hunting that his Grandpa had taught him where there is mutual respect and appreciation between hunter and the game God created. This has always deeply convicted him as he strives to practice QDM on every property and with every shot he takes. Reed’s choice method of hunting is with his bow from a tree stand because of the challenges it presents and stealth it demands. His career in retail agriculture allows him to travel up and down the state in search of new hunting opportunities and relationships with every hand he shakes.